I love surprises!

This was the first week back from Christmas break.  Usually it is exhausting for teachers and students alike, and it was.  The nice surprise was how calm the kids were.  I am not sure what it was, but they seemed to "get" being a student.  They were more focused than they have been all year.  They listened and payed attention.  I was floored.  I have never had a group come back like this, and I won't complain!

I also discovered that I can now make it to work in 17 minutes, instead of of 20-24 minutes.  We live further south, but the interstate is wonderful!  The only downside is I have to deal with crazier and more aggressive drivers.  I was also nicely surprised by the rush hour, or lack their of, traffic.  I was expecting things to be bad, but there isn't much of a difference.  It does take me a little longer to get to the freeway when I am going home, but once I am  on it is normal speeds.

This was the first week of real life as a married person.  It was the first week of shopping, and laundry, and family home evening, and working out study schedules, and attending the temple.  I would say the it didn't go too bad.  We definitely have some kinks to work out.  For instance, foods that Tim actually likes.  We haven't had any disasters, but I have discovered some things that I did not know.  I think the hardest thing to get used to is sharing a bed.  It's like a mini-earthquake any time someone moves and it wakes the other person up.

Next week's adventure will be to go visiting teaching.  A family ward is very different than a singles ward, but I am finding there are still the same types of individuals when it comes to motivation about the church and life in general.  It's a good thing I have had lots of practice with a variety of individuals!

No wedding pictures yet.  I will post them as soon as I get them.
