Big week!

It was a big week for us.  Hyrum is growing like crazy.  Every day he seems to do something knew or change in some way.  Tim has finished up is courses and is planning the next year.  Me, well I didn't have anything really big...I just took it all in.

Now for the details.

Tim finished up all his courses and started his mid-terms.  He will have mid-terms this week and then next week he will start his finals.  It's kind of a bummer that he has a month of exams, which hinders studying for STEP.  But, it is super exciting because he won't have any more classes.  He is in the hospitals for here on out.  And speaking of hospitals, he received his rotation schedule for third year.  It's a lottery as to what you get, but he is happy with his schedule.  He will start with all surgery.  It will be a hard start, but come January things will ease up.  He is nervous but excited for the change and experiences that will better prepare him for what is to come in residency.

Hyrum was sick at the beginning of this week.  I stayed home with him on Monday and Tuesday.  It was a nice change for me.  I have always had to do lesson plans if I was ever sick, but I just left the office and it wasn't a big deal.  It is never fun to be sick, but this go around I was grateful for.  He needed a ton of sleep and he ended up sleeping through his 3 am feeding.  He did it several days in a row and learned that he doesn't need to wake up at three.  He isn't perfect, but I have started letting him cry and he only does it for a couple of minutes and falls back asleep.  With this change we have started needing to give him a bottle when he gets up in the morning.  So he does his breakfast thing while we do ours.  I am enjoying not waking up a three to feed only took 12 months.

This week he also had another tooth come through on the top.  There is another soon to follow.  He does look super cute when he smiles.  He continues to get better at putting objects on a stacking ring.  He is also getting better at stacking objects.  He started cheering himself on and clapping when he did something well.  Also, when he eats he has started saying, "Mmmm."  That was only this weekend though, because he was refusing to eat earlier this week.  It was a frustrating week with food.  He now refuses anything soft, so no more baby food or those wonderful squeeze packets that made church easier.  He just asserted his independence and if he can't pick it up and put it in his mouth, it's not going in.

It did catch him doing this...leaning on a pillow to read.  Well, he started off trying to lean on the ball to read, but I gave him a pillow and he settled down for a few minutes to look at his books.  

Perhaps the only thing that happened to me this week of note has to do with parenting.  I think I have learned the value of locked doors and when I think, "Wow, it's quiet," go find out why.

Here's the story.  It's Sunday.  I am in the bedroom.  Tim is in the kitchen.  It was a harder Sunday with missed naps, but Hyrum was going back and forth between the two of us.  Hyrum got frustrated and bored with me, so he left.  A couple of minutes later Tim calls out and asks if Hyrum is with me, followed shortly by, "The door is open!"  Boy did we run!  Come to find that Hyrum walked out the apartment, up the first flight of stairs and was on his way up the second flight of stairs.  When Tim picked him up he just smiled and just gave us a look of, "What?"

When it is windy our door comes open.  We didn't deadbolt the door (that has now changed) and the wind had blown the door open.  Hyrum loves going outside, so when he left me and saw the open door he must have just thought sweet and walked right out.  The stairs are always a favorite so that was his next stop.  We were lucky he hadn't made it to the top, because it is the going down that is a problem with him.

So, lesson learn.  Lock the doors at all times and if it's too quiet...go find out why.

Here's to another week!  Oh and this week Tim and I celebrate that we kept Hyrum alive for ONE WHOLE YEAR!  Some might also call it birthday, but Tim and I have much to celebrate too.
