Summer fun!

Summer is in fulling swing.  The weather was super hot this week, so the kids did minimal playing outside in the afternoon.  The plants are doing well.  We picked our first red slicing tomato and have been getting a few cherry tomatoes each day.  We are having a pest problem that hopefully we will get under control thanks to some advice from dad.  

Hyrum and Lila each got to choose a summer experience.  Hyrum chose to do a rock climbing camp  with a friend.  Each day this week we picked up some friends and drove everyone to the camp.  The other mom brought him home, which was super nice not to have to make a second trip into town.  He seemed to enjoy the camp.  It may have been a little long for his attention.  We discovered that he has a slight fear of heights.  He's always done fine with trees and polls, so it was a little surprising when he said that he was afraid of heights.  Some of the walls are pretty high.  


Lila ruled the roost while Hyrum was away.  She enjoyed leading all types of activities and getting to do her school first.  She spent time outside chalking in the shade.  You can tell what parts of the drive are shaded and what is not.  She is turning into a little gardener.  Every morning she runs out to grab the watering can to water the plants.  She's getting pretty good at watering the base of the plants.  Both she and Liam enjoy checking on the progress of the tomatoes and picking the ones they can.

Owen spent a lot of time making messes this week.  He is finding ways to get into things that have previously been too difficult for him to get into.  He's picking up new words.  This week he learned how to say Liam and dog.  It's interesting how different each child is.  He seems to move at his own pace and when he's interested he will learn.  He is getting more stable with his walking and I have noticed that he has shifted to walking more than crawling.

This week we made time to go to a pizza restaurant that we tried to go to last month to celebrate the end of school and activities for the year.  The kids enjoyed picking their pizzas at the buffet.  Owen was a champ and ate well.

Liam is growing so fast.  He is moving into the make-believe stage.  There is a lot more pretending with cars and lots of questions about the world.  We ran to Walmart one day this week and firetruck pulled up.  He just stood their and stared.  The firemen were really nice and asked if he wanted to get in and of course he did.  He was in heaven.  He also likes to point out all the cows and horses that he sees.

This coming week Tim has some time off that coincides with Aunt Holly coming in for a visit.  We are all excited and ready to play.  Until next week!
