Take me out to the ball game!

It was another busy, but fun week!  We started off the week celebrating Tim's birthday.  He said he wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant, so the kids got a new experience, and I didn't have to cook.  We also went to a fun bakery and the kids chose eclairs for his dessert.  

Lila also started piano camp this week.  It was fun to see her be confident and make friends.  She is pretty shy and typically stays on the sidelines, but by the second day she was coming down the stairs holding hands with another little girl her age.  She seemed to really enjoy the games, friends, and her desire for learning piano hasn't diminished, so I'm calling it a win.

Tuesday, Tim took the older two to a baseball game.  It is a summer league for college kids.  It was their first game.  Tim said they enjoyed it, but it was definitely hard waiting for things like fly balls.  They stayed up way too late, but it was a lot of fun.  Liam was sad he couldn't go, but we told him next year.  

The kids also got to take pictures with the mascot.  He's supposed to be a US Marshal.  They were also chosen to playa relay game during a break.  They raced to put on baseball clothes first.  It was funny to see them putting on clothes and running.  Lila had a strong start, but Hyrum pulled through in the end for the win.

We had two playdates with friends this week, so by Friday I was tired...but in a good way.  June was filled with lots of fun memories.  I can't believe we are already starting July.  We have about six weeks left until school starts, which is crazy to me.  I'll take a couple of weeks completely off from school, but will begin planning the first six weeks of school at the end of July.  

Owen is getting pretty fast.  He is trying to speed up to a run, but still falls a lot.  He also learned to say dog and baby this week.  He also learned how to make a pig noise.  It's pretty cute.  

Saturday was dedicated to Kuk Sool.  Hyrum wanted to go watch the blackbelts, so they went a little early.  They ended up being behind for his age group, so it was a really long day.  He was a little nervous, but he did really well.  He placed first in forms and sparring and third in technique.


He has done really well and it has been a positive experience for him to do martial arts.  I'm hoping that some of the things will start to transfer to every day life.

Next week is already shaping up to be another busy week!
