Way too Busy!

I don't know how these weeks end up happening, but it makes me long for the days when the kids were younger and we never had anything going on.  I'm sure it will only get crazier as they get older and I'm definitely not ready for it.  We had things happening, usually multiple things happening every night this week.

Tim and I both had RS and EQ activities, Tim had presidency meeting, Hyrum had not one, not two but three evenings of Kuk Sool, Lila had dance, I had my last emotional resilience class, Hyrum had activity days and a birthday party and I think there is more, but I just can't remember it.  By Friday both Tim and I were tired.  Not that we have ever really been ready to paint the town on a Friday night, but we were ready to just sleep.  

The kids were troopers with all the driving and switching of parents.  The younger two are getting really good at sitting in the van waiting.  They have to do it a lot with piano and all the other activities.  The kids are doing well with piano and still enjoy it.    

We did our first homeschool fieldtrip of the year.  We met several other families to tour the fire station.  They all enjoyed it, but I think Liam had the most fun.  He is right at the age where he loves all things trucks and heavy machinery.  He sat down in the driver's seat and started making the car noises that only boys know how.  A little later I caught him in his own little world running around one of the trucks playing fire rescue.  The field trip ended with a real emergency call.  The crew had to leave in a blaze of sirens.  The best quote by one of the kids (not ours) was, "Good luck and don't die!"  Truer words never spoken.

I'll end with a personal win for myself.  Over the last several years I have started learning how to make things from scratch.  I'm in no way perfect and not really "granola," but kind of.  I learn things because I like it, it tastes better, it's healthier, and it's cheaper.  There are some things that I no longer buy, because it just make it myself.  Well, someone from church had a ton of potatoes they offered for anyone to to pick up.  We went and got a lot of potatoes on Saturday.  I have been experimenting with making my own hash browns and fries and freezing them.  Everyone helped and we were able to wash and process everything.  It made a ton and I learned a few things for next time.  It was very satisfying to complete everything.  We have a lot of tomatoes coming on again, so I think I might attempt to make salsa again.  Last time didn't go so well.

Until next week!  
