School Prep!

What a week!  We didn't really have much going on outside of the house...just inside the home.  I began my big prep for school.  I had lots of pieces done, but we needed to get everything printed and ready to actually start.  Earlier this year I did a big purge of old school masters.  I decided that what I don't use this year will be trashed.  There isn't any reason to keep it around if I am not going to use it.  Most of it hasn't been used in years.  This year is perfect because I have a preschool and kindergartener.  Between the two of them we should be able to week through most of the activities and masters.  

Any way, our week was consumed with with prep.  Every morning our room would explode with files and piles and I would have to find places for everything by the end of the day, so we could sleep.  The older three enjoyed learning the ins and outs of the printer.  They helped me print most everything this week.  I was able to get pretty much everything done.  I just need to organize the extra activities for Lila and Liam that will help them practice the basic skills.  That will come next week, because I need to figure out how to best organize it.  Tim took the kids swimming on Friday, so I could get one final push to get things cleaned up.  It was super helpful and I was able to get so much stuff done!

In between helping me the kids played together.  There was plenty of fighting, but moments of humor.  Owen's personality is really beginning to shine.  He loves to tag along with the others and will laugh loudly or try to do the tumbling moves they are practicing.  The older kids are getting better at including him in some of their fun.  One day Lila came out with Owen ready to spar.  

Speaking of sparring.  It has been outlawed in our house.  Hyrum has been sparring with his sibling and after multiple cases of kids crying because they got hurt I told Hyrum no sparring because they weren't wearing gear.  Well, not ten minutes later kids came out with varying levels of protection.  I then had to clarify that each person needed to have a full set of sparring gear in order to spar.  Hyrum struggles hardcore with being gentle and knowing when he is being too rough.  

Tim and I also had a busy week with church responsibilities.  Tim worked on helping a sister move from another ward in the stake.  He is also working on reorganizing his presidency due to moves and other callings.  I had a stake training and my emotional resilience class.  It's been a lot of fun to attend and I think it has been beneficial in helping me keep moving with personal goals that I have already been working on.  I also went out with a friend from that class.  I dropped the older three kids off at her house.  She has a daughter old enough to babysit that watched everyone for an hour.  It was a lot of fun to chat with her and get to know her better.  I am crossing my fingers that her daughter will become a regular babysitter for us.  We've never had much luck in finding teens willing to babysit.  In fact she was the first teen to watch the kids.  Up to this point it has always been an adult.  We also had several sisters that needed extra support this week that took some organizing.  

We have two weeks until we start school...if we can make it that long.  The kids are already asking to start, which is crazy to me.  We haven't had much fuss about school with the kids, we certainly have our bad days, but more times than not they are hounding me to get moving because they want to do school. 

Until then!      
