A Very Prepared Weekend!

The kids are in a great routine for school.  I am so proud of how they buckle down and get their work done.  I wish it wasn't so chaotic sometimes and could do more one on one, but they are cruising.  I feel like the school year is almost over, maybe I'm just gearing up for all the holidays coming up.  

Lila is hungry to read.  I am noticing more that her writing skills are picking up.  She is gaining more confidence in sounding out words.  She loves to sit down with Liam and read books to him.  

Hyrum finished up third grade math this week.  He is quickly discovering that fourth grade math is the real deal and requires a lot more time on his part.  Being smart has its perks, but eventually gaining knowledge just takes more time...more time than and 8 year old wants to spend.  He continues to love piano.  Lila does as well and both have made great progress.  Pretty sure they have made more progress than either Tim or myself ever did.

Liam loves school, especially Friday.  Pre-preschool is the year we do a letter a week.  For each letter we do a treat.  This week was 'B' so we went to get a bread treat from a local bakery.  Liam chose challah bread.  He was so excited about his bread and proudly carried it to the van and in the house.  The kids proceeded to eat the whole loaf.  He's already figured out what we are having for the letter 'C,' not that it was too hard to figure out.

Owen is picking up with his speaking skills.  He has also upped his singing game.  We've started teaching him tunes and it's really cute to hear him bee bopping around.  He has some sweet dances moves and loves to say high to everyone...evening moving vehicles on the road.

Saturday was a busy day for us.  The stake had a crazy amazing preparedness fair.  They had local first responders, solar people, local linemen, canners, foragers, ham radio operators, CPR training, and even midwives.  I have so many great ideas and the kids had a blast climbing in and exploring everything.  The electric company blew up hotdogs and started wood on fire with electricity.  


They had a short program where we learned from local civil defense and responders about all the layers for preparation that have gone into preparing for disasters.  It's crazy how much planning has already taken place.  I could have stayed for a couple more hours, but the kids were antsy and ready to eat all their candy.  We are definitely having two Halloweens at our house.

Saturday afternoon I spent a lot of time getting things done for the van without the kids.  It's never easy to drag all of them around getting oil changes.  

And drum roll...Tim and I went on a legit date!  It's been so long since we've actually gone on a date and definitely a first for having a babysitter.  It's crazy that we have four kids and this is the first time we've left the kids with a sitter to go on a date.  We went to dinner and then the symphony.  It was a blues show, which was fun.  We decided that blues singing isn't our favorite, but we do like the actual music.  We had a great night, the kids had a blast, and Owen actually went to bed without screaming.  I was really concerned bedtime would be a problem, because he's super picky about who lays him down and I think he is teething again.  

In all a good week and a great weekend!
