Happy New Year!

It was a great week to relax and catch up on life.  It is amazing how much piles up!  On Sunday we attended the family ward.  It was interesting to attend with kids.  They are not as loud as mom and dad's ward, but they are significantly louder than a singles ward.  Our meeting time was at 11:30, which isn't too bad, but we can walk to church.  Unfortunately, one of the first announcements was, we will be vacating this building for renovations for one year and our knew meeting time will be at 1:30...BUMMER!  I think that will be a major deciding factor the next time we move, check the time for when church starts.

On Monday, I went to the dentist and found out that I had a cavity.  Thank goodness it was tiny and they didn't have to give me a shot, and it only took five minutes.  I also cut my hair.  It was way too long and it needed to happen.  I love it when my hair takes five minutes to fix in the morning.  We also worked hard to get the apartment finished.  I am very happy to say that it is almost there.  We just have a few more pictures to hang and piles to get rid of, but for the most part it won't be embarrassing to have people see.

The rest of the week was spent writing papers and Thank you notes.  I am also happy to say that they are finished, well, at least my part.  Tim took his side and he isn't quite finished with his thank yous.  Probably the most exciting things that happened was finding car insurance.  Tim was a champ and did most of the research, by the end we were both done with insurance.

Our fun for the week was going to the movies with some of his family.  They like to pack things in when they are together.  I guess they only see each once a year or every couple of years depending on life.  We saw Saving Mr. Banks.  I cried, not that, that is an indicator of quality, but I did enjoy it.  The adventure for the week was making stovetop popcorn.  I had never done it, but I am a fan.  It was very easy and instead of ending with a bag of popcorn only half popped, everything was popped.  I did learn that I needed to use a larger pot.  We ended up with a mess on the floor as I tried to get it to the bowl.  It was still a lot of fun.

Next week real life begins.  It will be interesting to work out both our schedules, because we have to be gone at the same time and when we will have dinner.  That is what I am concerned about! ;)  When I come home I am usually hungry and ready to eat, but he may not get home when I do.  We will just have to wait and see.

Until next week!
