It was a busy week for us in Houston. Work is picking up and looking to be a little more stressful than originally planned. They are asking us to film lessons to put on the main website for teachers to reference. Not sure how or if it will work, but we will have to wait and see. I stayed home with Hyrum on Friday and we had a lovely time playing and laughing and running errands. We were by ourselves this weekend, but after Tim being gone for almost a week, we are pros!
Tim had a good week studying. The good news is this semester and next semester are a little less intense as last year as far a course work, but all other stress goes to the step exam which is next summer. He enjoys his classes so far and as usual there are some he likes more than others. Highlights for Tim this week included being a stay at home dad on Thursday, helping students who came to interview on Friday, and helping with flood clean-up all weekend. He should be home in the next couple of hours. I fully expect him to be covered with mud and very tired.
I didn't get a chance to post this picture last week. We had our friend Lee and the Burmese missionaries over for dinner. Lee showed us how to make authentic noodles and we all ate way too much!
And let's be honest...the real excitement always happens with this guy. We officially hit four months on Saturday. We will go in for his next appointment on Tuesday and I am very curious to see how much he weighs. My muscles think he is nearing the 20 pound mark, but we will have to wait and see. He is getting stronger and more wiggly every day. He has rolled over successfully many times, but he prefers to be on his back. Today he started arching his back and lifting his bum about six inches off the ground. One of these days he is going to roll himself right over whether he wants to or not. He is learning how to move by rocking and pulling. This week is also started laughing more. We will call attention to our wiggling fingers and he knew that we were coming in to tickle him and he will start laughing. He is also learning to let us know what he wants. He has started reaching his hands up with he wants to be picked up or he wants a toy. Speaking of toys, he is gripping and holding on to his toys more firmly. It is really fascinating to see his fingers slowly latch on to a toy and pull it to him. You can almost see the wheels turning as he tries to get it right.
Here is a picture of how he likes to sleep now. He pulls the blankets up close to his face and will rub his face until he falls asleep.
That's about all from us. We have another busy week ahead of us filled with school, work, growing, and according to the weatherman...rain.