Epic fails and hot summer days!

Happy late Memorial Day!  Another week of summer has passed and now I am worried that summer is going to go by too quickly.  We had a less busy week this week, which was nice.  Except for Monday...Monday was a mess.  

Northwest Arkansas had some tornadoes go through early Sunday morning.  The stakes reached out for help that evening.  Tim ended up going to help with some cleanup.  We planned on trying to do an easier hike to a waterfall, so I took the kids by myself.  I started having second thoughts when we hit the dirt road and I really started rethinking things when we lost GPS.  Luckily, there was only one road to stay on.  We made it to the spot, but there wasn't a trail marker.  We didn't get very far when the trail disappeared and we had to climb down rocks.  As I was making my way down with Owen on my back, the rational part of my brain caught up with me.  I was alone with four young kids, no cell service, and the only one who knew where we were was two hours away and wouldn't even begin to look for us until dinner time.  The kids weren't happy, but we turned around.  The younger three were appeased with a tiny pool of water for a couple of hours, so I guess it all worked out in the end.

I spent a good chunk of Tuesday going through teaching boxes to sort activities for Liam.  I'm to the point now that if I don't use some of this stuff, it's time to take a deep breath and let that part of my life go.  There is a ton of great material, but it was created to help my kindergarteners, not my homeschool family.  We also had a playdate with some good friends.  This family just had a new baby, so we haven't seen them in a few weeks.  It was great to catch up, unfortunately we/I got eaten alive.  I did bug spray but ended up with about 20 bites in all the worst places.  Lila said it best, "Mom, I have two bites on my bum.  That's bad luck!"  Girl I feel your pain!

Lila had her last dance class of the year on Wednesday.  She has grown so much and I couldn't be more proud.  She expressed an interest in going to the recital.  She didn't want to participate in the recital, which didn't surprise me, because last year was the first time we got her on the stand for the primary program.  She didn't say her part, but she was up there.  Hyrum had his makeup Kuk Sool class that evening and his last activity days until the fall.  

Thursday we got an early start for Owen's 15 month appointment.  He's growing well.  We had a bit of concern about his left leg, because he hasn't made much progress in the last couple of months when he started to walk.  He almost seemed to drag his foot and the way he walks is very interesting.  This week he finally started making improvements.  We are still going to do a PT evaluation, unless he makes amazing progress between now and whenever we can get him in.  We also had a playdate with the family that we played with on Tuesday.  The mom and I have a deal worked out that instead of meals I will take her kids, so she can nap.  It's a bit crazy with seven kids, but they get along so well together it isn't bad.  They all played together and I was able to get one on one time with Owen, which never happens.

Friday was library day...always a good day.  We are having to switch up routines, because by 1 pm the weather is getting too hot to be out.  If we get out and play or run errands in the morning it's cooler.  We came home and made some buns for sloppy joes and tasty strawberry bars using my jam.

Saturday, Tim took Hyrum and Lila to do some tornado cleanup again.  The youngers and I went for a walk/bike ride.  It's always hard when you have older kids trying to keep everyone together.  Liam got to go at his pace the whole time and was getting good practice cruising.  Owen did some cruising of his own.  He finally figured out how to move his little car by himself.  It's a lot easier when you don't have older siblings trying to push you all the time.  That evening I took Lila to watch her class dance.  There were some fun dances.  I asked her afterwards if she wanted to participate in the recital next year and she said maybe.  It's not a yes, but it's not a no!  We went to Chick fil A to celebrate afterwards.  

Which brings us to Sunday, and I'm rethinking my earlier statement of this being an easier week.  After typing all this out it sure seems like it was just as busy.  Oh, well!  Until next week!
