Summer Fun!

 We had a fun week.  The kids were very tired this week, as they spent lots of time in the sun.  Tim also took a few more of his vacation days this week.  We had quite a few that we saved for a potential move, but now we need to use them before everything resets.  

We had some cooler days this week, which was appreciated.  It made being outside more enjoyable.  The kids also did plenty of playing inside.  This week I was attacked by multiple snakes and they kept getting bigger until we hit anaconda size.

Monday was a home day.  The kids played while I took care of some planning.  I have started shopping every two weeks.  It's nice to have a week with some extra time, but it does take a little more preparation.  Hyrum had his Kuk Sool class testing.  He passed and is now a red belt.  He was super pumped to move to the next level.  

Tuesday was a big shopping trip.  I alternate between Aldi and Walmart depending on what home products are needed.  This week was Walmart and we ended up with two carts.  I can't believe we are already to that point where we needed two carts.  The kids did great pushing carts, but Hyrum will definitely need more practice as he almost took out several people with his distracted driving.

Wednesday started Tim's vacation.  We celebrated with chocolate Chelsea buns.  The kids loved them.  It had been a very long time since I had made them.  I'm pretty sure the last time I made them was in Houston, so Hyrum was the only one who had, had them and he was Liam's age.  

Owen has been doing much better with eating food.  When we transitioned from baby foods to table foods, he really didn't want anything to do with anything really.  It was a struggle to get him to eat.  In the past, we have let up on the treats with the kids around 12 months.  With Owen, we agreed that he wouldn't get anything until we had established a better trend with eating.  Owen has been doing much better, so we are letting up on some of the treats.  He got to try a bun and he loved it.  We ended up sharing some with some friends and the lawn crew, because the batch made a ton!  

Thursday, Tim went in to give a short presentation at a Mercy sponsored lunch.  He seems to get asked a lot.  It's not a big deal, because he enjoys it and it's good for building his practice.  While Tim was speaking, we were trying to stay cool.  I woke up in the morning and realized that something was wrong with the AC.  I ended up turning it off altogether and some told that someone would be by between 3-7 pm to take a look.  I was braced for a hot day, but miraculously they reached out before lunch to say they were on the way.  It literally ended up being a five minute job as the compressor was out and needed to be fixed.  We were back in action by lunch and feeling much cooler.  Tim took the older kids to a splash pad and to use one of their reading coupons to get a mcflurry.

Friday we had a birthday party of some good friends.  All the kids were invited to a jumping place and they had so much fun.  It was exhausting and they all slept well that night.  I went to a little birthday party for a friend.  She's a little crazy and planned glow in the dark dodge ball.  It was really fun, but I am so sore.  I'm getting old!

Saturday was another busy day in the sun.  There was a ward party with a waterslide.  The kids spent hours playing in the water.  Everyone was exhausted and cranky, so it was a hard finish to a really fun day.

Tim goes back to work next week.  I will start prepping for school.  I can't believe we are close enough for me to start getting ready.  I think the kids are getting to the point where they want a little more structure.  Until next week! 
