I will survive!

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I planned our first 7 weeks of school, but we are making it happen despite my lapse in judgement.  Historically, I gradually add in subjects and build up to the full school day, because it's homeschool and I can do that.  Well, this week we introduced everything, but science.  It was a lot and Hyrum let me know it.  He struggled a bit with the length of school, which wasn't more than three hours.  But, this is Hyrum and when you go from freedom to structure it can be difficult.  Honestly, it wasn't bad at all and we just adjusted my plan and we are moving forward.  Adding a third child in the mix that's receiving more intense instruction, maybe consistent and structured is better, has been a challenge.  I am grateful Hyrum is so independent in his learning, because it makes it easier to help the other two.  Again, we will revisit the drawing board and come up with a better plan, because this is homeschool and we can do that!

Owen has been a gem this last week.  His personality is really starting to shine.  He is turning into a very social little boy, who loves to hug.  We were at stake conference today and was giving all the older sisters hugs.  It was really cute and who doesn't like a little ray of sunshine in their day.  He is also getting into dressing up.  He sees older siblings dressing up and wants to do it too.  It's kind of funny when you have an older sister that has lots of dress-ups.  You get interesting combination.  These are some of choices of the week. 


Owen has also had some developmental milestones.  He seems to be more chatty and trying two word phrases or more difficult words.  This week he said pizza, pretzel, and a bunch of other words that I can't remember.  He is also getting better at using words to tell us what he wants instead of pointing or fussing.  I can't tell you how nice it is to hear when he wants up, wants help, to get down, or to see instead of him just fussing and me trying to guess what the deal is, especially when the house is already full of noise.  He also started experimenting with a spoon.  He's probably our latest independent eater, but that's just his MO.  He tracks about three months behind everyone else, not that it's a big deal because all development is on a continuum. 

Liam has enjoyed school and I have been pleasantly surprised at how quickly he is picking things up.  I realized how little experience he has had with writing and coloring...my bad.  He never really showed an interest and I never really forced the issue, so it fell by the wayside.  But, this week he drew his first self-portrait, which I thought was super cute.  He continues to love to look at pictures and has surprised me at what he has learned by simply sitting in on Lila's lessons last year.

The kids took advantage of cooler weather this week and headed outside.  Hyrum did a great job of including Owen and making it more about Owen and games safe for him.  That's a pretty big thing for Hyrum.  He is enjoying school, but I think our struggle for the year is getting him used to longer school.  From here on out school will take longer, but because he is getting more advanced work.  He is never good with change or learning skills that take away from his free time.  But, once he learns it, he is golden.  For example, it was like pulling teeth to teach him to dust and vacuum, but he does a beautiful job now.  It just has to click that I show him a fast and efficient way and if he does it, it will truly be a five minute job and he is off doing what he wants.  

Lila is doing so well with school.  Her reading is coming along and she is very eager to learn.  She continues to be our creative child.  She used paper to turn herself into a fairy this week.  You can't really see the hairclip that she used to clip the large paper bow in her hair.  She loves to cook in the kitchen too.  She's so eager that she often does things faster and more efficiently than Hyrum.  That's what practice will get you.

Tim and I were both busy with callings, work, teaching, problems, keeping little people alive, and a bunch of other stuff.  Some weeks are just like that, but I will say that on my part I think my calling will get significantly easier.  We just finished a massive ministering overhaul that took months.  It was so freeing when the button was clicked to send out the update.  We are heading into our third week of school.  This is typically when the newness wears off and good habits start to truly formed.  Until next week!  
