A great beginning and an even better ending!

I began the week with the day off from school. I found myself being very productive. I was able to get things done at home and at school that have been bothering me, but I haven't had the time to fix it.

Tuesday brought an unexpected car problem that was fixed by a quick trip to the mechanic on Thursday. Wednesday and Thursday went really fast. On Thursday I went to the temple with Carolyn. I was a little nervous; thank goodness nobody gets mad at you for forgetting.

Friday was a busy day. The kids were a little crazy, because of all the good weather and I was happy to send them home for the weekend. When I got home I changed quickly into my princess dress, because a group of us went to watch the movie Tangled dressed as princesses and princes. It was a lot of fun, especially all the funny looks that we got. Afterwards, we went to get something to eat, which got a few more funny looks. One thing I did learn is that it is really hard to drive when your arms are restricted and you have a poofy dress between you and the steering wheel.

Saturday I finished up my Sunday School lesson and went to a ward activity. I spent maybe five minutes working on school stuff, which is a miracle and then I spent then rest of the evening working on a baby blanket. I have one more ball of yarn to use and I am hoping to finish that up in the next week, so I can send off the blanket. I did fit in an awesome parking garage dance party. It was sweet!

Two weeks until Spring Break...not that I am counting. ;)
