In considering what I should title this week's blog, I decided on seven days. This is a significant, because it means seven days until Spring break. I am super excited to have that time off. There are some things that I need to get done that have been put on hold because I don't get off work in time to get it taken care of. I also plan on reading some books. My pile has been growing taller and I need to take care of it (hard life, I know).
I think my biggest accomplishment this week is surviving not one, not two, but three district meetings. I am all meetinged out! This required me to change from my normal schedule, which was a little concerning because of Conference coming up and needing to dedicate time to Conference. I am happy to say that yes...miracles really do happen.
In other big news, I decided to run another half marathon. So, starting Monday I am going to get on my big running schedule again. I ran about 3 miles on Saturday in the lovely rain, and I didn't do too bad. So, it may not be as painful this time working up to the longer distances.
Other than what is a mentioned above...Carolyn and I made an amazing Sunday breakfast consisting of magic bacon, pumpkin pancakes, and scrambled eggs. We are currently making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. It has been a good day!