
I made it through the week.  It has been a long week with SEP conferences, but the time passed quickly.  I couldn't believe how fast each night went.  I enjoyed speaking with the parents, and I gained a lot of perspective.  I'm super tired, but glad I was able to talk with almost all my parents.

My week revolved around SEP conferences.  I also officially finished up the DRA, which is a reading assessment that we have to give.  The kids did well and I am pleased with them.  My morning class also did the NWEA test, which a computer based tested, which we have never given before in kindergarten.  I will get back to you on my thoughts on that one.

I was pretty beat by Friday, so Carolyn and I got dinner at our favorite place...Costa Vida.  Their disclaimer is so true on their bags...Warning, this product my be habit forming.  I am definitely addicted.  We also watched a movie.  Saturday was a full day of running errands and catching up on things that I wasn't able to do during the week.

Kind of boring, but that was my week.
