Happy New Year!

A new year has begun.  They just keep creeping up on me...I am not sure where the time goes.  I spent the first part of the week working on my masters final project and school began on Thursday of this week.  This kids were happy to be back and it didn't take long for them to get back into the routine of things.  Once again, I was surprised at what they came back with, not just the germs (I'll get to that later).  I am becoming a believer in breaks.  They seems to do better after they have had a chance to relax and not think of school for a while.  It always makes me nervous coming back from a break in January because we start administering our reading assessments and they tend to forget over the break.  I think we will be just fine.

As previously mentioned they brought back germs as well.  Over the break several of my students were very sick with a variety of bugs.  There was lots of sneezing and coughing going around.  I am hoping I can stay healthy and in the mean time I am taking precautions with extra oranges and doubling my sanitizing efforts at school.

Funny story of the week.  On Friday, we were finishing up Writer's Workshop and moving on to our next portion of the day when as student calls out..."Wait...aren't we going to do Writer's Workshop?"  My response was that we just did it and asked, "Where were you?"  He stops and looks at me and says, "In my own little world."  Yes, yes you were.  It made me  laugh.

That's pretty much it for me.  The complex is still quiet because most people are still gone.  Things will pick up soon.  Have a happy new beginning of the year.
