
The week was very busy with testing the students.  The team was able to finish all the testing by Thursday morning, which gave us plenty of time to create class lists.  In talking with the other teachers about the kids we tested, it should be a good year with cute kids.  The only potential problem we might have is with all our boys.  It seems like every other year we have a lot more boys then girls.  In looking at how many boys I have between my two classes, it should be an active year.

With finishing testing early, I was able to work a lot in my classroom.  I am very excited about some of the things I am implementing.  I would go into great detail, but I would bore you.  I am curious to see a difference in student performance and if it will help them learn better.  Two that I am really excited about...among many things...are pieces in my day that I have made more active.  Every day we go over the ABCs and I taught myself sign language.  Well, enough that we can do some motions as a class.  Another part is a built in movement time.  Over the Summer I found songs for literacy and math that have actions that will get the kids up and moving.  Of course, we will be doing the fun ones like Bear Hunt.  I don't think kindergarten would be kindergarten without them.

Highlights this week not having to do with school included adjusting things in my bedroom.  I raised my bed, so it isn't high...it's really high.  But, not so high that I would need a chair to help.  Carolyn and I went to church together so she could meet the bishop and ward members.  It was nice to have someone to sit with, not that I mind sitting alone or sit alone every Sunday.  She just gets sitting up front where all the action is.  Her first comment was, "It's nice to see that some things don't change (in reference to me sitting on the third row, where we sat for the last two years)."  I also slammed my hand in the door.  I haven't done that in a long time and hurt, but I didn't cry.  It was one of those slow motion things where you are stepping in and the door is closing and you know it's going to be close, but your hand doesn't quite catch up with your body in time before the door slams shut.  I also found a rolling cart for my listening center.  Okay, that has to do with school, but when I saw it just sitting in the hall I got really excited because it was perfect.  The final highlight was running into a student.  Tim and I went to the movies and then to an ice cream shop that was close to the dollar theater.  She had seen a movie with her family and as we saw each other she was a little shocked and didn't know what to do.  We ended up talking a bit.  She saw me walking away holding Tim's hand and out the corner of my eye I saw her staring at us with an expression that said she wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she was definitely going to tell her friends at school about it.  FYI, she was apart of the group that frequently asked me if I was married or dating anyone.

Any who...Tuesday school starts and I am sure I will have war stories to tell!
