Sleepless nights!

It's was a hard week at hour house. Tim left early in the morning to get to campus to study for the last of his exams.  He did well on all.  He won't have any more tests until Christmas time, which is two months away...crazy!

While Tim was studying hard, I was battling a cold.  I have been sick for the past couple of weeks.  I thought I was over it, but I woke up early this morning to take care of Hyrum to discover that my sickness is back.  You would think living in a warm climate would help with the colds, but it doesn't.  Sometimes, I feel like it is worse in Texas than in the mid-west.  Oh, well.  Hopefully, a couple  extra hours of sleep today will do the trick and I won't need to miss work on Monday.

Unfortunately, Hyrum has been having difficulty sleeping.  I am not sure what it is.  It could be sickness, teething, the four month sleep regression that is turning into the 4/5 month sleep regression, or a growth spurt.  He didn't have a fever or show any other signs of anything.  He is always hard to read, because he doesn't get super grouchy or cry.  Odd behaviors show up and like waking up 3+ times a night for the last couple of weeks.  I keep pressing forward with a hope that the one time a week he sleeps until 5 am turns into an every day thing.  One day...

On the brighter side of things.  Hyrum has figured out how to roll over several times in a row.  He still only rolls to his right, but is close to being able to roll to his left.  He has also started problem solving.  We put toys just out of his reach and he will find leverage or turn his body just enough to grab what he wants.  He is also improving his ability to sit straighter.  As long as he doesn't lean too far to one side he can sit for a minute or more without falling over.

We decided to spend as much time as we could as a family this Saturday.  We don't see much of Tim during testing weeks and we don't have much time together anyway.  We decided to go the arboretum.  In true Houston fashion, we couldn't find it, but we did find another park to walk around.  We spent a couple of hours walking around and exploring.  If you ignore the massive power lines, it almost felt like we were out in nature instead of being in the middle of a city.

Hyrum did well in the humidity.  He managed to catch a short nap.  Tim and I wished we could, because we are really out of shape!

After finishing up a the park we went out to lunch and got some ice cream...can't forget the ice cream!  Hyrum and I both got a nap at home (I can't remember the last time I had a nap) which is something to celebrate.  In the evening we met a couple other families at the park next to our complex to celebrate the end of exams.  I put Hyrum in a swing for the first time and he had a blast.  We were all exhausted and ready for bed, but really glad to have had the day together.

Here's to a week of no sickness and better nights!
