This was one of those rare weeks where I remember to take my phone and get some pictures. We had a busy week at our house. We started it off with a game of soccer. Tim signed up to play on a team. This will probably be his last time to play on time for a long time, as he is about to get busy with rotations and then residency. I took Hyrum to watch for the first part. It was windy, but he seemed to enjoy watching everyone play. This will be his only game to go to, because the rest are way past his bedtime.
Speaking of bedtimes. We have made it a whole week without waking up at all between the hours of 9 pm and 1 am. We decided a couple of weeks ago to try again to drop at least one of his night feedings. He has been doing great this last week and hopefully we won't have teeth or a growth spurt for a little while. He still wakes up between 2:30-3:30 am to eat and then up between 5-6 am to eat. It doesn't matter how much we feed him before bed, he just can't make it all night. For as big as he his, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
He did make it to the nine month mark. Three months until he is a year old. Time sure has flown by and I can't believe how different he looks. We were comparing all of our baby pictures and I think Hyrum has started to favor me, but there is still a lot of Tim in him. He still has his blue eyes. We had a panic this week (well just me) because his eyes looked very brown. Up to this point they have been a very dark blue. I am happy to report Friday was a fluke and we are back to blue.
He is into everything. We are not to the point where he opens up cupboards, but if he can see it, he will get into it. He is getting faster at pulling himself up and once that happens we will be in big trouble because he can reach a lot more things. The only time we can still is when we hold him or he is swinging.
Tim and I stayed busy with our callings, work, and school. He is thinking more about what order he would like to do his rotations in, so he will get the most out of it. I am still working on finding the balance of work, home, and mom. I was proud of myself, because I cooked and took a picture! This week is pork loin, potatoes and gravy, and brussel sprouts. Yep...brussel sprouts...and they were good!
Well, that is all from us. We are going to try to stay low this week because of the Super Bowl. It is located a couple of blocks away from us, so traffic will be crazy all week. Wish us luck!