We hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day and had the opportunity to be with family and to remember the sacrifices of so many before us! We celebrated by spending time together and adding in a little ice cream for good measure. The only downside was the tantrum Hyrum had during our quick trip to pick up a flavor of ice cream. I felt sorry for the gentleman in front of us...he seemed very flustered by Hyrum's screaming. All the women seemed to either ignore it or have that knowing look of pity/been there done that.
Tuesday, I had another appointment. Everything still looks good and the baby is already head down. I could have told the doctor that, because all I have felt for the past month is rib kicking and lungs being squashed.
Tim had his week of nights focusing on any emergency female surgery. He lucked out with only having three days of nights. Monday was a holiday and he didn't have to go in on Thursday night, because of meetings on Friday. Despite that we both agree nights are death and he is really not looking forward to doing long term nights during residency. He has three more weeks. Next week will be a clinic week and the final two weeks will be labor and delivery during the day. We also found out that he was accepted to another away rotation in San Antonio. He is up to three, which is really good for his application.
We also found out that Hyrum and I will be going to Utah with Tim. Hyrum and I will get to spend a couple of weeks in Cedar, before the big move for mom and dad. We will head up to Salt Lake to spend the final days with Tim and catch a ride back to Houston.
Another discovery was that Hyrum loves burgers. He isn't usually a big meat guy, but every time he had one he just gobbled it up and asked for more. Crazy kid!
Besides food discoveries, Hyrum has also start telling stories. After we have read a library book a dozen times he knows it well enough that he will use the pictures to tell the story and add in some of the phrases that he remembers. It is really fascinating to watch him learn and grow. It makes all the embarrassing public tantrums worth it.
Thursday we watched a baby for a mom in the ward who needed to go to a specialist. We have watched her a couple of times now and it is fun/interesting to have her at different times. This time was over lunch and at nap time. Several things popped out to me of what might be potential problems for when baby number two comes. I think it has been great to experience a newborn, but still get to send her home after a few hours...it's a great way to ease into a family of four.
The weekend was pretty chill. Hyrum has decided he likes to ride his bike with dad when he gets home from the hospital. I am okay with it as long as I don't have to come along. It was been high 90's plus humidity. We try to go out and play in the morning early, but usually I have melted in the short 45 minutes we are out and have no desire to go back out.
That's about all from us. Happy June-ing!