We made it officially one full month of school. The time has gone by so quickly. The weather stayed mostly warm, but with a hint of fall all week. I was grateful for the cooler weather, because it made being outside with the kids more tolerable.
Hyrum has enjoyed the switch to science. We have been learning some very interesting things about mammals. I like that the curriculum we have been using really teaches up. I don't think he will remember even half of what we have studied, but he certainly has enjoyed learning the big words and fun facts about different species of mammals. He continues to do well with all of his subjects. He was super excited for Friday, because he got to take his first math test. We have spent a whole month working with numbers to 40 (addition, subtraction, comparing). He's probably the only kid I know that gets excited about exams. Next up for him is multiplication, which he is also excited about. He has had some trouble in primary the past few weeks. I've had to pull him out because of meltdowns for one reason or another. I was flying solo in primary today and when I got back from the nursery, I found Tim and Hyrum in the hall because of a meltdown in primary. I wish I could figure out what makes him tick, because he has been rocking sacrament meeting with sitting reverently and singing along, albeit at a faster tempo. Oh, well.
Lila has had a rough transition to four. There was a lot of attitude this week with wanting to be mature and do things her way. She seems to have forgotten that mom and dad make the rules. She has also forgotten all the rules. Case and point. Tim and I woke up Saturday morning to Hyrum running in the room saying that Lila colored all over the couch. I went down to discover that she indeed colored all over the couch. About 30 minutes after she got in huge trouble, Hyrum comes running back up to inform us that she was spraying water all over the couch and books. At this point I was in disbelief. None of this has EVER been acceptable and she has NEVER done any coloring on anything except for paper and water has always been in a glass. I asked her why she did it and she said she didn't know, and you know what I believe her. I honestly think she lost all reasoning power and she really has no clue. I'm not sure I am ready for another 4-6 year. Hyrum was really rough and I am struggling to wrap my head around another child who in some ways, well most ways, more stubborn than Hyrum. And the couch is all clean. Who knew that dish soap could take crayon right off a couch.
Liam has starting chanting hit you, which is awesome, especially, when he does it in the middle of sacrament meeting. The older two have been doing more karate and Pokémon/Sonic moves that Liam is having to learn that it doesn't actually mean he touches people. He also thinks it's just funny to get a reaction after saying hit you. I know it sounds like we had a bad week, but it was actually pretty good. The above mentioned things just seem to have been the spotlighted behavior struggles. Liam is darn cute. He is such a chatter and will repeat anything we say. He is going through a growth spurt right now. His hands and feet are so big. I have been going through the clothes and shoes to make sure we are ready for fall and noticed that Liam does not have a pair of tennis shoes. The shoes only seem to last for two kids. I ended up needing to get him two sizes bigger. He loves his new shoes. It's taken some getting used to. The first day he wore them he had two big crashes. They are much heavier and he has trouble coordinating the shoes and the direction that he wants to go.
Tomorrow we will find out the gender of the baby. It's hard to believe we are half way there. Overall I am chugging along and enjoying the second trimester energy. This time of year I tend to do some extra cleaning like the fans and the van. Things tend to build up during summer with all the activities. I also just really don't like vacuuming the van when it's 90 outside...one day we will have a garage. So along with scrubbing the crayon of the furniture, I did some deeper dusting, vacuuming in and out of the house and going through clothes to pull out what won't last for next season and what we need for winter.
Until next week!