I feel like this happens with every change of season. The weather either turns hot or cooler and after several weeks it's time to rotate out the previous seasons clothes only to have a hot or cold snap in which the previous seasons clothes would have been nice to have out. It was very warm this week. We reached into the 80s and the kids were pulling up their pant legs because they were sweating.
The kids enjoyed a lot of outside time and we have a few more kids joining the play crew, because it really is a crew. We have an additional five kids that have found their way to our backyard area. Hyrum loves it and enjoys playing with all the kids. There is a good variety of personalities with the make believe kids and the sporty/climbing kids. On Saturday there was a pretty intense soccer game happening right along with open heart and knee replacement surgery. A very busy backyard with plenty of would be red cards and IV lines filled with leaf and dirt medicine.
Hyrum and Lila continue to do well with school. Lila really enjoys writing and discovering how to write letters. I think the day we practice writing the letter of the week is her favorite. Hyrum continues to do well. We had a few rocky moments this week, but I think they were much needed. Hyrum is not very resilient when it comes to difficult things. He is so used to everything coming naturally that when something doesn't come in .2 seconds he has a meltdown. With the challenges of this week, I think we have finally had a breakthrough with him being okay with asking for help and not getting the answer right away. It's not perfect and we still have lots of progress to go, but when I see a first of something I tend to get excited because it's been a long road to get to the first.
Speaking of long roads. Remember Lila's long road to potty training at night? Well, Tim said it best when he said that we created a monster. We have a new record of 45 minutes of waiting for her to go potty, so she can get her treat. The floor isn't the most pleasant place for my pregnant body to be for 45 minutes. She gets a gold star for tenacity.
Liam is an adorable little nut that doesn't want to be left out of anything. He is getting better with his colors, which is fun. This is just a cute little picture with homemade pudding all over his face.
This is another day this week where we ended up at a spot with a basketball hoop. The whole crew was there and luckily there were a few more parents out other than me. You'll notice there there is not basketball playing...only hockey. There is a family that lives on that street with a stay at home dad that loves hockey. Tony is Tonytastic and has a bunch of sticks and balls to play street hockey that he gets out and goes to town with the kids. Hyrum loves him and thinks he is super cool especially with he roller blades. Well, he is more jealous than anything.
Tim was able to travel with the football team this weekend. I think he enjoyed it and it was a good experience. He will be gone for the majority of this coming week interviewing. It's a bit tricky because he basically has to have two days of travel. The city has an airport, but there is only one airline that flies in and it comes from Dallas. We'll see what comes of it...hopefully something positive.
That's all from us!