Runny noses all around!

We had another week of high tissue usage.  I had to make an emergency Walmart run, because we were dangerously low...less than half a box.  I tell you what!  We have gone through so many boxes of tissues this last year, it's a good thing Tim is getting a pay increase soon!  Most of us are on the tail end of the cold, but Liam struggled all week and Tim is getting sick.  Luckily, Tim's seems to only be the sinus issues and not the fever.

Speaking of Liam, the poor kid struggled this week.  He has a lot of gunk built up in his chest and woke up coughing early from naps and in the middle of the night.  I think we are also going through the 2 year old sleep regression, because we have had a lot of issues with him not wanting to sleep and just waking up at odd times even when he isn't coughing.  We had to do some cry it out on top of all his sickness, so it wasn't his finest week.  He really just struggled this week.  Lots of crying and clingy behavior.  He and I just sat on the coach a lot while he cried.  It was either that or I was catching flying objects and his fist as he assaulted anything in his path.  He is our first hitter and I can honestly say it's my least favorite toddler behavior to correct.  He stayed home from church again this week due to his cough and runny nose.  It worked out because Tim wasn't feel very well and we really don't want him to have to take sick days because he only has so many left.

Hyrum and Lila started school again this week.  It took us a day or two to get back into the swing of things.  I chose to keep things easy because we are all still sick and recovering from from terrible sleep.  I feel like between sickness and traveling it's taken us well over a week to adjust.  Hyrum is enjoying leveling up in math and literacy.  I can't believe we only have just over four months left of school.  We started early in August and will be done in early May.  I think we are set on homeschooling again next year and I started looking at different curriculums and what to add.  Both kids enjoy their schooling and I am just grateful we haven't had any of the issues this year as we did last year.  The kids had periods of playing nicely this week that I was grateful for.  They are getting more practice at playing together and seem to be able to do it without needing me to refer or facilitate.  It's also nice when they are sick and can't play with others.  By the end of the week they got the green light to play with friends and spent a lot of time outside enjoying some freedom.

The big news for Tim this week is that he signed an official contract for Fort Smith.  He was able to iron out a couple of things with his contract and we have felt at peace with the location and job the whole time.  He will finish up at UNC at the end of June and then take boards at the beginning of July.  We are hoping the timing works out so that we have a couple of weeks to move and get settled before he starts at the end of July.  He also worked really hard to prepare two presentations that he has to give this month.  

I have reached 35 weeks.  I'm not sure how I lucked out, but until this last week I have only been waking up to use the bathroom once at night.  Something switched and I am up 3 times a night...not cool.  I'm definitely slowing down.  I just tell the kids that slowpoke is coming and I'll catch up.  I've started working on my big list of things to prepare for baby.  I always get the itch to just get it all done, but in the back of my mind I am thinking that there is no point in trying to deep clean things, because I still have at least a month and things will be just as dirty in four weeks as their are now.  It is also hard to wrap my head around the fact that we are about to have another kid.  I'm excited, but it's always hard to imagine life with another child until they get here and then we adjust and it's like they have always been here. 

Here's to a week of health...we could really use it!
