Another week down!

We made it through another week.  We had plenty of ups and downs, which will be our MO until Owen is in a regular routine.

Speaking of Owen, he is turning into a chatter box.  He is now making lots of sounds and smiling during his awake times.  He's still having some trouble with his tummy, but his is way better than Lila nd Liam.  He is also doing better with sleeping.  He spends most of his naps swinging where the kids are super loud.  Hopefully, transitioning to the crib full time won't be too big of an issue.  

School for the older two is going well.  We have four weeks left until summer break...not that I am counting or anything.  I feel like we have a happy medium of learning and giving myself grace, because we are cutting everything to the absolute basics.  School happens every day and they are learning, we just don't do as much as we did before.  Lila will be ready to start learning to read next year.  This week she started reading to Liam.  I love it when they start reading the pictures and memorizing phrases from books that we have read.  I don't think she will pick it up quite as fast as Hyrum, but she doesn't need to.  She will still be reading when she starts kindergarten.  Hyrum continues to progress.  He is loves learning Spanish on duolingo.  I think we are going to continue with it into next year and include it in school...without telling him.  I never thought I would teach at an immersion school.

All the kids got to play outside this week and enjoy some summer weather.  We always seem to have some rainy days and I have started getting a movie for the kids to watch and they do movie and popcorn for the afternoon.  It's been a sanity saver on those rainy days, so I have an extended period of time to work with Owen, do dinner and run around and get everything done that has piled laundry.  We have great neighbors that will watch out for the kids if I need to work with Owen.  I don't let Liam out, so he is usually more grouchy, because he just wants to go out and play.  He loves to dig and kick balls.  We are going to apply for a rental house that has a fenced backyard.  I foresee a very happy little boy in the future.

We aren't sure what caused it, but Liam broke out this week and was really itchy all week.  Between the ant bites and whatever this other thing was, he was super itchy and splotchy all over.  He seemed to take it in stride and was very happy to get his candy medicine (allergy medicine).  Thank you sugar!  He continues to struggle with hitting and kicking, but he is getting better at saying sorry and using and inside voice.  He has stayed home with me for almost two months.  Every week he asks if he is going to church and he usually is okay with staying home.  Today he put up such a fuss that Tim took him.  He was the only one of the kids that actually wanted to go and happily got in the van.  I've slowly been working on getting clothes for the kids that fit.  I always feel like I am on top of it and then all of a sudden none of them fit in anything.  Liam got his first tie and he was very excited to wear it.  We thought he looked very cute.

Tim stayed busy with clinic, finalizing a poster for an upcoming conference, and working a scrimmage game for UNC football.  I am so over sports!  I'm still wearing glasses.  I would love to wear contacts again, but my eyes in the morning just won't do it.

Until next week!
