Happy Easter! We hope everyone enjoyed remembering the resurrection and also enjoying a little bit of the Easter bunny. There was plenty of excitement at our house. We had much of the same struggle this week as we did in December. Us trying to help the kids remember Jesus and why we are celebrating and the kids hyper focused on Santa and the Easter bunny. We gave it our best, but I think the sugar may have won. The kids enjoyed an Easter hunt after church. The eggs were hidden inside this time due to it raining for two days straight. He somehow managed to get past mom and Liam and hide all the eggs before everyone got home from church. The hunt happened fast, so I didn't get very many good pictures, because I was busy chasing after everyone trying to snap a picture before they were off to find the next egg. I did manage to take a picture of the kids. I'm not sure if it's the photographer or just our kids, but we struggle to take pictures at our house. I was going through pictures for today and had to laugh. Here's a little snippet of what it was like trying to take a pictures. Envision with me Tim and I telling the kids to smile.
"Uhh...Lila smile...no lift your checks."
There were plenty of pictures in between. I finally just gave up. They had a ton of fun and had way to much sugar. They drove Tim and I nuts today, especially Liam. I guess that is about as good as any for a segue into the week.
This was our Spring break. We all needed a break to sleep and just relax. I think more so for me, because I find that taking out school decreases the stress and I can get more done in the day. It didn't end up being filled with sleep or relaxing.
The kids spent time outside at the beginning of the week as we had 80 degree weather. It was nice to let them out. I was able to get out a bit too, but it's really hard to juggle feedings and naps to let Liam out. It's a big motivator for us to find a house with a fence, so I can let Liam run free. He's not very happy being left behind. With nicer weather also comes bugs. All the kids were attacked by ants. Liam got the most bites on the back of his legs.
We aren't sure exactly what brings it on, but Hyrum's pickle finger is back. His hands broke out last year with these bumps and they flared up again this week. He was very itchy and was up multiple nights in a row, sometimes multiple times because he itched. He is dramatic by nature, but he is even more so in the middle of the night when he is tired. Poor Tim had to deal with him, because usually I was feeding Owen or just plain missed it. It's kind of nice being on the far side of the bed. Tim and I switch sides due to the baby, so he is closest to the door and the kids come to him before me. Lila was also awake several days in a row very early, because Hyrum was very loud. Basically, too many of us were awake between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m.
So, Hyrum and Lila enjoyed freedom and we had to work on finding things to occupy them. Liam was a terror this week. Sometimes I don't know what to do with him. He spent lots of time in timeout for hitting, kicking, jumping off furniture, and using mean words (he's learned early from siblings). He might be the one to give us a run for our money. We thought it was Lila, but he has her beat by a long shot.
Owen had a roller coaster week. He started off well, but he ended up have a growth spurt that made him cranky and wanting to eat all the time. I also had some dairy by accident that led to several days of extra fussiness and terrible gas and discomfort. Tim and I did a lot of switching off trying to help him sleep and be more comfortable. He seems to be a little better today, so maybe next week we will all get a little more sleep.
The kids did an egg hunt with the neighbor kids. They had a blast and got more sugar.