Appointments Galore!

We had an extremely busy week.  There was a lot that happened with lots of ups and downs with the kids.  I feel like we are going through another behavior phase where Tim and I are having to rethink things.  Some days they drive us nuts!

We finished our second week of school.  We are still ramping up.  Next week we will add a couple more subjects.  I can already tell that we are going to need to rethink math for Hyrum and literacy for Lila.  I think I'm going to have to move Hyrum ahead and have him finish a grade and a half this year.  He's just so good with math.  It worries me a little, because he's going to out pace me sooner than I want.  Lila is doing so well with letters and sounds that I may zoom her ahead with her curriculum, so that we can start her reading in January.  It will be interesting to see how things go.  All the kids got into painting this week.  Hyrum made some really interesting geometric shapes using the colors of the rainbow.  We had super high temperatures again this week, so they didn't get much outside time in the afternoon.  I experimented with delaying school until a little later in the morning to allow for outside play before it got to 100.  It seemed to work well, so we will probably continue with that until things cool off in a month or so.  

We had a marathon week of appointments.  Tuesday the kids had dental appointments.  I was able to get them in all at the same time, so it really didn't take that long.  The kids had a good experience and we didn't have any cavities.  Whoot!  Wednesday, Tim and I met with our PCP.  Our insurance has discounts for doing yearly well checks.  I'm glad to report that we are also healthy.  Thursday we met with a realtor to look at some land that came up for sale.  It was a very interesting experience.  We asked lots of questions and have lots to consider.  We'll see what will come of it.

Friday we had a break from appointments. Saturday we went to the county fair.  It was a very small county fair.  The only time that worked for us was to go during the afternoon.  It was so hot!  Owen and I spent our time in an airconditioned building or in the shade.  We didn't last long, not that there was tons to do.  Hyrum got a lesson in fair games.  He took his money and discovered that it's a lot harder than it looks and it costs a lot of money.  Saturday evening we had dinner with some friends from our ward.  Grilling is very popular here.  This is the second time we have had grilled/smoked chicken and it's really tasty!

Today was super busy.  We drove to church early for a meeting.  We weren't there five minutes before Owen had a blowout.  Tim was dealing with that and the other kids.  I ended up pulling Liam in, because I could hear them running through the halls.  We survived and made it home.  Owen turned six months on Saturday.  He celebrated with his first major cold.  Poor kids sound awful and isn't sleeping well at night.  Hopefully he clears up soon, because he has his six month appointment this week.

Until next week!
