What a busy week! We had things going on every day this week that caused us to be out. It's hard to believe that we are one week out from Thanksgiving. Every year I feel like I try to get as much shopping and preparation done before December, but there is always so much going on that it hardly feels like I've done anything.
Any way we started the week with getting caught up with laundry and school and all the things that were put on hold while we visited family. The kids enjoyed some outside time, which was good, because the remainder of the week was rainy and cold. We got all the Christmas decoration up and the Thanksgiving put away...sort of. There is a small pile that needs to be put away, but with everything all packed it takes some digging to get the right boxes and tubes out. One day everything will have a home!
Tuesday we went shopping because we were almost out of milk. I planned just enough to get us through the weekend before we needed to go shopping and Tuesday was the day it had to happen. As the kids were playing outside Lila came in excitedly declaring she had a loose tooth. She actually had two, but one was really wiggly. She has been asking when her teeth will fall out, because Hyrum has lost quite a few. Hyrum came in shortly after saying he had a loose tooth. All three went to the bathroom to work on teeth. After seeing Hyrum pull his tooth, she seemed to gain a little confidence to pull hers out. She was so excited for the tooth fairy to come. The tooth fairy panicked a little, because she gives quarters and between teeth and allowance, quarters are in short supply.
Thursday we went to the library and Friday was super busy. We went to look at a couple of houses. It was an interesting experience as the one I thought I would love was not what the pictures looked like and the one that I was less excited about I liked more than I thought. The kids always have to come along and it was definitely more difficult at the second house. The kids all had to sit in the van, because they weren't listening. The search continues. I feel like we are narrowing down what we are looking for, which is hard to come by in this area. We have time, so we aren't worried.
Saturday was filled with the normal activities. Hyrum had a birthday party in the evening. It was at an arcade and he was in heaven. He has read most every book in the library about video games and how to play them, but he has only played them once. It was a dream come true. Tim also had fun. The mom sent several photos of Tim in competition with the dads or enjoying a good arcade game.
Today was a busy day filled with meetings. Both Tim and I have meetings in the afternoon, so Sunday's don't really feel like a family/Sabbath day. We have a couple of fun things happening next week, that I'll give a full report on then. Until then... enjoy the season and the Reason!