Party week!

What a week!  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  We had lots of things happening this week, so lets get down to it.

Monday was the much anticipated arrival of Aunt Holly.  They kids were all super excite for her to come it.  Hyrum met her once when he was about Liam's age.  The rest know her from stories and the valentines she sends every year.  She came with games that the kids loved.  I'm not sure how much Holly appreciated playing early morning games, but the kids loved it.  They have pulled out the new games every day since she left us.  

While Holly was here, we braved the heart to attend the Touch a Truck event.  It was not what I was was massive.  The kids were able to get a ton of free prizes, treats, hot dogs, and climb on and in all sorts of trucks.  We were all melting by the end.

The local B.A.C.A chapter was there too, so the kids even got to sit on motorcycles.  I personally think Hyrum's face says it all! 

I don't know if you remember from last week, but Liam and Lila were able to see a fire truck at Walmart.  They got to get it another one on this day.  I think Liam was a little a good way

Holly stayed through Wednesday morning, just long enough to play some more games and make a final few memories.  The kids were a little lost after she left.  She has definitely folded the kids into her tribe!

Tim has several days that he needs to use.  We saved a lot of days, because we were hoping to move this summer.  That definitely isn't going to happen, so he needs to use up the days before he looses them.  He was able to be home for part of Holly's visit and then another day.  We made a trip back to the history museum.  This time to learn about nurses.  Tim was able to walk around the and view some of the things.  We also made a trip to the Alma water park.  It was one of the things on the summer list.  Unfortunately, Hyrum fell very hard and got a goose egg on his head.  Luckily, the kids were doing their final activities, so it wasn't a big deal to cut things short.

Hyrum also had an extra Kuk Sool practice for his tournament.  It will be interesting to see how things going with him.  He's never done anything like this before.  Hopefully, it's a good experience for him.

Just a little Owen update.  He is getting faster on his feet.  He is almost getting to a run speed.  He is also getting into dress-ups.  He's adorable!  I didn't catch a picture of it, but the train conductor hat is a favorite.  He is also upping his laughing.  He's at the stage where if he hears someone else laughing, he will start to laugh.  

The tomatoes continue to grow like crazy.  We've been eating tomatoes every day.  Hyrum has decided that he likes tomato sandwiches, which is great because he needs to be adding more variety to his diet.  With our bounty, I've decided that I am going to experiment with spaghetti and salsa recipes for canning.  I can't really do anything big now, but I want to be prepared for when I am.  I taught in Relief Society this week and I think it went well.

Until next week!  


Holly H said…
I loved being with you all and getting to know the kiddos. What a cute family you have!