A week to forget!

Our week started with a continuation of the weekend.  Liam started to feel better, but Hyrum and Tim started to feel bad.  The stomach bug slowly traveled through the family through the rest of the week.  Tim called in sick two days because he felt so bad.  

Tim and Hyrum felt better by Wednesday just in time for Hyrum to attend his video game party for activity days.  He was so excited about it.  I attended my emotional resilience class.  We only have one class left, which is kind of sad to me.  I've really enjoyed learning from the ladies that attend with me.

Throughout the week we continued with school somehow.  The kids always surprise me, because even when they feel sick they want something to do and school is something for them to do.  I don't think we have ever not done school because someone wasn't feeling well.  We took advantage of some Labor Day sales and got Lila her early birthday present.  She had outgrown her bike and the bike that she inherited from Hyrum.  This one is a bit big for her, so hopefully she will be able to ride it for the next couple of years.  She was super excited about it.

Thursday night I started to feel sick and sure enough I spent Friday on the couch feeling awful.  Somehow we made it through the day.  I was the last one to get sick and we couldn't figure out if Lila had actually been sick, so she might have won this round.  

I think we were all glad to get to Saturday.  Tim ended up taking the kids to the library and then surprised them with treats.  Over the summer the kids did the library reading program and received a bunch of free snacks from restaurants.  They hit up Burger King for some cookies and Hardees for some fries.  The kids loved it and were super shocked when Tim pulled into the second place.   

Their crowns have been a source of great entertainment since then.  The kids think they can rule the house when they wear the crowns, but since Tim is the biggest king he gets to boss all the little kings and queen around.  It's really funny!

Well, we made it to Sunday.  I'm crossing my fingers we are done with the bug, because I've done enough laundry and cleanup to last me the rest of the year.  On to a healthy week!



Parental Units said…
The big king pictures needs to go to work. I'm sure it lol help people be at ease knowing their Dr. is a king.