It's the little things that are fun!

We had a very busy week with lots of kid activities and adulting.  I'm looking forward to next week being a little less crazy.

It was another cold week.  It's always difficult when the kids are cooped up inside and can burn energy.  I don't know how it got started but the kids started giving each other rides on a blanket up and down the hall.  It evolved throughout the week with tricks and different ways to ride.  Liam decided that Owen needed to sit in a box and take a ride.  Owen loved it and it kept the peace.  

The kids continue to do well with school.  Lila is flying with her reading.  She isn't intimidated by harder books and will jump in and try.  It is really helping to jumpstart her reading.  Liam is doing well, but I think he is going to by my tough cookie.  He gives me the most pushback to do school and complains that it's too hard.  It's not, because after some time he completes whatever is needed in no time with no help.  Hyrum is working hard on math.  With the switch to year round school, all the kids have to complete their work by a certain date.  Hyrum is tricky because he has always worked a little faster in math and he is needing to double time it to complete things, because we are also going to switch their math curriculum.  I want to start fresh with everything just to keep things cohesive.  
We fit in a homeschool fieldtrip to the library.  They librarians were nice enough to give us a tour.  The kids got to check in books.  The younger kids loved it, but I think Hyrum was missing the library, so he just wanted to look for books and read.  He doesn't get to go as much to the library due to a class that he started a couple of months ago.  I usually take the younger children to burn time during his class.  The kids all had a fun catching up with friends and getting books.

Friday the kids also had a playdate with some good friends.  We love this family.  Ages match up very well and the kids get along so well.  The mom had the older kids over and they happened to be getting some trees removed.  They were all outside having a blast.  Liam was in heaven, because he got to beat things with a real hammer.  They got to help spread so grass seed as well and brought home plenty to seed our weed patch too.

Saturday was a busy day for us, because we went to help a sister in our ward.  Her dogs kept getting out and one hadn't returned.  Tim went to go secure the fence and the kids and I drove around the neighborhood to look for the missing dog.  Afterwards we went to do our most important New Years resolution...get a new couch.  It took us a while and Tim made the poor salesman work for his commission, but we bought a couch.  Our old one has been broken for at least two years.  We were hoping to be able to purchase a house and then just get a new couch, but as things are taking longer than expected, we opted to just move forward.

We ended the day with ice cream.  Owen loved the trip with dad.  He felt very important carrying the ice cream.  He doesn't often get to do those sorts of things, because there is always someone older.

Until next week!
