An Underwear Kind of Day!

We'll start off with the end of the week, before we talk about the beginning.  Surprisingly, we were able to get ready for church in a less rushed manor, but more time equals antics.  The older kids all ended up with underwear on their heads, which translated to underwear for stuffies too.  I'm like whatever, they're dressed and I'm pretty sure the underwear is clean.  They don't realized that all of these pictures will eventually be ammunition.  

The weather has turned off colder.  It was a terrible tease of mother nature.  It didn't stop the kids from going outside and jumping or riding bikes.  I'm grateful that they are so active...outside.  There is plenty of crazy inside, but they aren't afraid to be out.  I'm also grateful that it isn't as cold as it is further north.  After all these years, I prefer the south.

All the kids are doing great in school.  I was looking at curriculum and calendars and realized that we have about 12 weeks left of school.  We sped some things up, so that we could make sure that we complete everything in time.  I can't remember if I mentioned it, but we are moving to a year round model next year.  I am planning to begin our new school year in July.  It should be an interesting experience, we'll see how it goes.

Tim and I continue to stay busy with work and family.  We both are trying to get back into exercise.  I took a month and a half break, because I did something to my back.  It's been a long road to recovery.  I finally felt like I was safe to really start again.  Work has been really busy for Tim.  It's just him in clinic now and they lost their MA, so he's trying to fill gaps from the other doctor that left, while helping the floats until the new hire starts.  Of the joys of adulting.  We are expecting lots of rain this coming week, so it will be interesting to see how the kids do.  We might have to try to find a place indoors to burn some energy.

Until then.


Holly H said…
Ammunition indeed! Mwah ha ha!