Another crazy end to a busy week. I realized that I don't have any pictures for the blog...Tim was the photographer this week.
Most nights I am exhausted, because our weekly routine is busy. We have activities every day and most days we have multiple. There wasn't much out of the ordinary this week, which is nice. The kids were all abut the weekend. The boys have been counting down the days to the stake father son campout. Tim said it was a hit not only for our boys, but there was over 100 people from the stake that showed up. They went to a park called Devil's Den. The pictures seem like it is a really pretty place.
I didn't get much in the way of details from the boys. They were all smiles when they got home and seemed to be sad to leave the great outdoors. They were also filthy. They were covered in ash and dirt, but again...very happy.
Tim's report was much more detailed. He said the boys played, and explored with the others. Liam was living his best life with a stick or rock in one hand touring the campfires to sample food. Liam did give me a list of all the things he tried. He said that he had smores, hotdogs, donuts, cookies, gummy worms, and Takis that were spicy and he liked them. I'm sure there are lots of other things, but Tim said that he would just wonder to the different campfires sampling food. People would offer and he would say sure. They participated in a two mile hike, played in a creek, and spent lots of time digging and building. I believe Hyrum said they built some sort of dam by the creek.
Hyrum was in his element. There were lots of boys to play with. He was exposed to dungeons and dragons (oh joy), played a catching game that I think is called 100, a little pickup game of football, and some other things all with the boys. Hyrum was playing until quite late, but Liam stated he was tired and wanted to go to bed around 8:30. He and Lila are really good about going to bed. If they are tired they just go. The rest of us torcher ourselves with exhaustion the next day.
They were all cold at night despite having warm sleeping bags and an air mattress. Food was good, friends were great, and many wonderful memories.
Lila, Owen and I stayed home. Lila was really bummed. The last two times they have camped, it was bros only. Lila really loves being in the outdoors, so she was sad. She planned her own activities for us to do. There is a lot more freedom when there are fewer siblings...a.k.a mom is a lot less stressed because there is less chance of mischief. She was able to help with some cooking, we played together, went for a walk, watch Beauty and the Beast without any negative commentary about princesses, did Sonic and Panera, and ended the night with some friends at a girls night. She ran around with her girl pals. Owen ran around with chocolate and mom chatted with adults. We got home really late and luckily everyone slept in a little the next morning.
So, that was our week. We'll probably spend all next week being grouchy trying to get used to the time change. Oh, well...until next week!